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October 11 - October 25, 2017
EarthShare National's avatar
October 11 - October 25, 2017

EarthShare National



  • 0 TODAY
  • 2,094

team impact

  • UP TO
    pounds of CO2
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    spent exercising
  • UP TO
    spent outdoors
  • UP TO
    plastic bottles
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    more servings
    of fruits and vegetables
  • UP TO
    not spent in front of a screen
  • UP TO
    of additional sleep
  • UP TO
    gallons of water
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    whole food meals

Team Feed

Recent updates from this team
  • October 25 at 1:35 PM
    It was a difficult time for our staff to participate, as we have a board meeting and an office move at the end of this week. We also don't have in person staff meetings where we can promote this type of all-staff activity. If we try to do another group activity, we will need to find better ways to communicate--perhaps through word of mouth and...
  • October 23 at 2:54 PM
    This challenge encouraged me to make an appointment for a physical exam-I am definitely overdue. Also trying to eat more fruits and veggies and keep staying active-cycling, running, and tennis usually takes care of that!
  • October 23 at 12:57 PM
     I'm trying to make a point of leaving the office every day at some point to get outside, look at some trees and green space, and otherwise mitigate the effects of a long, traffic-congested commute followed by sitting behind a desk for hours! 
  • October 23 at 12:34 PM
    Some thanks from last week
  • October 20 at 10:43 AM
    The gratefulness challenge has helped me realize that I do say "thank you" a lot, but also challenges me to take a minute to think about and write down what I'm grateful for. In these last few days of the challenge, I will try to use the challenge to express appreciation to folks I don't often thank explicitly. 
  • October 17 at 8:06 AM
    Well, I thought I'd win the whole challenge being vegan, but I guess not. (I thought it may make up for my being a pain in the butt at the national meetings, sorry to disappoint!) :) However, if anyone wants to watch "What the Health" tonight and be ready to comment on it tomorrow, I think that'd be fun! And not to steal Allison's...
  • October 17 at 7:37 AM
    Yesterday, I had worked 8 hours and still had most of my day's to do list left undone. But I remembered that one of my challenges is to not work more than 8 hours. I left the office and still had time to stop by the grocery store, heat up some dinner, and take the dog for a short walk. It's nice to be doing an employer-condoned activity that...
  • October 16 at 3:26 PM
    Well, I succeeded in doing 3 out of my 4 challenges today.  Now, to get my husband to prepare more veggies with dinner!  He's a meat and potatoes guy, but a great cook!
  • October 16 at 2:16 PM
    I've lived in DC for over a year now, and have been wanting to connect with a community organization in a deeper way, beyond just attending events. Last week I met one on one with someone from a Showing Up for Racial Justice chapter and talked about what her committee does and needs. Setting a challenge to connect helped me go for it (no...
  • October 15 at 12:46 PM
    Sometimes complimenting your spouse is not the easiest thing to do, especially if you've been married over 20 years like I have!  I so appreciate having the added incentive through the eco challenge to find appreciation in my daily life, which brought a smile to my hubby's face!

17 Team Members

Recently active team members
  • October 25, 2017
    Completed Actions Assessment
    + 1
  • October 25, 2017
    Posted to Your Feed
    + 5
  • October 25, 2017
    Completed More Than One Daily Action on 10/25/17
    + 5
  • October 25, 2017
    Completed More Than One Daily Action on 10/25/17
    + 5
  • October 25, 2017
    Completed More Than One Daily Action on 10/25/17
    + 5
  • October 23, 2017
    Completed More Than One Daily Action on 10/23/17
    + 5
  • October 23, 2017
    Posted to Your Feed
    + 5
  • October 20, 2017
    Completed One Daily Action on 10/20/17
    + 5
  • October 19, 2017
    Completed One Daily Action on 10/19/17
    + 5
  • October 17, 2017
    Completed More Than One Daily Action on 10/17/17
    + 5


CHALLENGER: EarthShare Oregon Challenger Team Members: 7 Challenger Points: 1228 Winning?: VS. CHALLENGED: EarthShare National Challenged Team Members: 17 Challenged Points: 2094 Winning?: