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October 11 - October 25, 2017

Wanderwell Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Marian krogh's avatar
    Marian krogh 10/22/2017 1:29 AM
    I've found it really hard to complete the daily food challenges I set myself. I challenged myself to eat one meal a day with all organic ingredients and two meals a day without processed foods. There's not been a single day where I've managed to complete both of these. Partly because I have already at home a lot of food and to go out and buy organic food instead of eating the food I already have seems in a way counter-productive. Secondly, while I really don't eat much processed food it's really tough to avoid not having any at all. Today for dinner I made rice paper wraps with vegetables, but then I had a sauce which was processed. I've definitely become more aware of what I'm eating, where it's come from and what processes it's been through. 

  • Lauren Shey's avatar
    Lauren Shey 10/15/2017 9:02 AM
    Saturday and Sunday gratefulness
    1. Laughter, the kind of laughter that you get when you've laughed so much and so hard your belly hurts
    2. Leisurely weekend mornings on the phone with loved ones catching up
    3. Seasons changing
    4. Warm clothing and shelter
    5. Artistic expression 
    6. Curiosity and interest in learning new things

  • Marian krogh's avatar
    Marian krogh 10/15/2017 12:38 AM
    Today is the first day of the challenge that I didn't "eat all my meals without distractions" I watched TV while I ate dinner. Pretty good though so far and I'm enjoying the challenge. Normally I'm really busy and so look at meal times as an ideal way to multi-task and kill two birds with one stone. I think this will become something I do often after this challenge is up. 

  • Lauren Shey's avatar
    Lauren Shey 10/13/2017 1:36 PM
    Yesterday  gratefulness 
    1. BCorps and socially minded businesses to be inspired by
    2. Pho broth on a cold rainy evening
    3. A restful sleep
    Today's gratefulness 
    1. Postcards sent from friends and family
    2. IT's FRIDAY!!!
    3. Clean and available water

  • Lauren Shey's avatar
    Lauren Shey 10/12/2017 11:05 AM
    I've been slowly working on this challenge working up to yesterday. I decided that I would slowly transition into a "green" house with purposeful buying. I started with laundry and dish products. Excited to keep researching. 

  • Lauren Shey's avatar
    Lauren Shey 10/11/2017 9:48 PM
    Part of my challenge is to write down three things I'm grateful for. I decided I would post this each night for 2 weeks.

    Helllloooo accountability buddies, nice to see you.

    Here's my three things for today: 
    1. My community (friends, family and the network of like minded caring individuals in my life)
    2. My resources
    3. My opportunities
    See y'all tomorrow!

  • Emma Holland's avatar
    Emma Holland 10/11/2017 4:20 PM
    It's time to kick it in gear! I'm going to be going to lunchtime Yoga classes at LA Fitness in the Pearl - anyone want to join me?

  • Erin Fish's avatar
    Erin Fish 10/03/2017 2:01 PM
    One challenge that I selected, and by which I am most intimated, is the "Eat Mindfully" challenge.  When dining alone, I am used to having reading material to accompany my meal.  It actually helps me to eat more slowly.  But I could use this opportunity to disengage my mind, and concentrate on internal sustenance only.  

  • Emma Holland's avatar
    Emma Holland 9/06/2017 1:51 PM
    This was one of my favorite things to participate in last year! Excited to get going again this year.