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October 11 - October 25, 2017

St. Ignatius Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Barbara Scharff's avatar
    Barbara Scharff 10/12/2017 10:57 AM
    My commitment to a morning walk every day is like a meditation and it gets me communing with nature.  Also, finding a petition to sign or sending an email to my Congressional delegation is proving very possible.  All I need to do at least once per day is scroll through my FB where there are many opportunities to let my views and values be know.

  • Holly Denman's avatar
    Holly Denman 10/12/2017 6:13 AM
    For the past week I have been caring for my school age grandchildren and I am appalled at how little they know about conservation,  renewable energy, or food waste. While I have been slow on the goals I set, I have spoken ad naseum about turning off lights, not wasting food and effects of climate change. Most of is going right over their head and they tell me none of it is discussed in school. I have managed to buy no extra food, eat leftovers and recycle some jars into Halloween art projects. This should be easier with children, not harder! 

    • Sheila and Everett Sjolseth's avatar
      Sheila and Everett Sjolseth 10/12/2017 6:36 AM
      I really appreciate that you are doing this with your grandkids! As they repeatedly see the impact that those small things can do, it will make a difference with how they see things. Thank you for your example!

  • Craig Boly's avatar
    Craig Boly 10/11/2017 1:10 PM
    Off to a good start.  I'll get by with a little help from my friends.

  • Tyler Wagner's avatar
    Tyler Wagner 10/11/2017 9:55 AM
    Excited about getting started with the EcoChallenge today, especially so soon after the completion of our Season of Creation. I am hopeful that this will be an impactful challenge for a lasting transformation and as Valerie Chapman said in her reflection for our St. Francis vigil last Tuesday, “It is, in the end, only love that can move us toward lasting transformation.”

    • Sherry Hall's avatar
      Sherry Hall 10/13/2017 6:33 AM
      Sending  good wishes from our team Tyler.  Thanks to all St. Ignatius participants for the fun of sharing the Challenge with First Unitarian Portland.   Lets continue to grow in our green efforts together..  

      P.S. You have a great Banner photo! 

  • Beth Schaller's avatar
    Beth Schaller 10/09/2017 9:38 AM
    This challenge was so helpful to me last year and made a difference in my mental outlook.

  • Holly Denman's avatar
    Holly Denman 10/06/2017 5:06 PM
    A big project for me this year was our parish garden since I knew  nothing about gardens or plants. I have learned a lot about myself in the process.