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October 11 - October 25, 2017

Fully Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Karen Kerschner's avatar
    Karen Kerschner 10/25/2017 2:22 PM
    I remember to do the challenges but just not to report them!

  • Andy Lightman's avatar
    Andy Lightman 10/25/2017 1:58 PM
    Thanks ecochallenge for eco challenging me!

  • Nate Barber's avatar
    Nate Barber 10/25/2017 1:51 PM
    Well, it was a good run. We DESTROYED our friends Boly:Welch in our EcoChallenge challenge 2017 challenge. Looking forward to showering again and returning to my diet of baby seal burgers.

    • Nate Barber's avatar
      Nate Barber 10/25/2017 1:52 PM
      In all seriousness though, this was a great competition for a great cause. Thank you so much for the inspiration and all the great ideas for how we can make a difference every day. GoECO!

  • Jen MacKaben's avatar
    Jen MacKaben 10/25/2017 1:36 PM
    My first time Eco Challenging and I loved it! The daily challenges were on my mind every day, which made my to-do list that much more intentional. Plus, this is the best time of year to get outside (and walk Ben the dog) more :)

    Looking forward to next year!

  • Jen MacKaben's avatar
    Jen MacKaben 10/25/2017 1:30 PM
    Even with a cold, walking it out still feels good.

  • Jen MacKaben's avatar
    Jen MacKaben 10/25/2017 1:28 PM
    That drip was driving me crazy! Also, thank you, YouTube, for being there when I need a how-to-fix-this coach.

  • Jen MacKaben's avatar
    Jen MacKaben 10/25/2017 1:26 PM
    The Hollywood Farmers Market is, by far, my fave - even when it's raining outside!

  • Andy Lightman's avatar
    Andy Lightman 10/24/2017 1:05 PM
    Attempted to do the 5 minute shower thing again today, but in my rush I washed my hair with hand lotion instead. Probably went over my time limit scrubbing that stuff out. Pro tip: Don't confuse the Jergens for shampoo!

  • Lauren B's avatar
    Lauren B 10/24/2017 11:41 AM
    Turns out if I do my laundry in my apartment basement (using the quarters i've been carefully hoarding) instead of trucking it over to the laundromat, not only to I reduce my driving but I also don't have an option to wash with warm water even if I want to! Cold water only! Gonna call this one a win, I guess. 

  • Nate Barber's avatar
    Nate Barber 10/24/2017 8:56 AM
    Saving water by cooking with bathwater (of course I removed the baby from the bathwater first). #lifehacks