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October 11 - October 25, 2017
Audrey Dorofy's avatar

Audrey Dorofy

NJDEP EcoLogicals


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  • 168 TOTAL

Audrey's actions


Go for a Daily Walk

I will take a walk each day.



De-Clutter My Home

I will de-clutter, clean, and donate or recycle unneeded items in my home.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Audrey Dorofy's avatar
    Audrey Dorofy 10/25/2017 9:31 AM
    I was a bit short-sighted in selecting one of my challenges because I forgot I was going on vacation for a week.  It is hard to de-clutter and clean my house when 1,000 miles away.  Oops.  But I did get a lot of walking in.  Here is a picture I took of a Little Blue Heron at the Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge in Sanibel, Florida. 

    • Carey  Compton's avatar
      Carey Compton 10/25/2017 12:55 PM

      What a beautiful photo Audrey! Looks and sounds like you had a wonderful vacation. Thanks for sharing.

  • Audrey Dorofy's avatar
    Audrey Dorofy 10/14/2017 2:47 PM
    Today, I was decluttering outside my home.  Specifically, digging up a severely overgrown iris bed.  I decided it counts.

  • Audrey Dorofy's avatar
    Audrey Dorofy 10/11/2017 5:30 PM
    The daily walk was easy.  I try to walk at little a little every day so this was just a matter of doing it for a longer period of time.  

    However, my *other* challenge - declutter - is going to be more of a problem, mainly because there are so many things this can encompass.  Today, I decided to tackle my pile of papers to be filed (or recycled depending on how long something was moldering in the pile).  For day 1, I gave it 15 minutes.  At least it isn't quite so much of a leaning tower now.

  • Audrey Dorofy's avatar
    Audrey Dorofy 10/08/2017 1:32 PM
    Here is a photo of one of the four Monarch butterflies that developed in my yard from caterpillars munching on my milkweed.  Here he is airing out his new wings just after emerging from the chrysalis.  I have no idea why the picture is appearing upside down here.

  • Audrey Dorofy's avatar
    Audrey Dorofy 9/26/2017 4:06 PM
    My current personal stewardship involves birds and bugs.  I have been planting native flowers, including lots of milkweed, around my house.  No, not a cultivated garden, rather wild.  But as a reward, I get to see lots of hummingbirds, and new Monarch butterflies.  Here is a photo from a couple of years ago, airing out its wings for the first time.  I am currently keeping a close watch on a chrysalis near my house that I expect to have a butterfly emerge from within the next day or two.

    • Louisa Lubiak's avatar
      Louisa Lubiak 10/06/2017 10:57 AM
      Awesome, Audrey! Those Monarchs need all the TLC we humans can give them.

  • Audrey Dorofy's avatar
    Audrey Dorofy 9/19/2017 5:13 PM
    On Sunday morning, I was happy to see a newly emerged Monarch butterfly airing out its new wings.  The other Monarch caterpillars that were eating my milkweed have all gone into chrysalis, so I should be seeing more butterflies very soon.

  • Audrey Dorofy's avatar
    Audrey Dorofy 9/12/2017 6:31 PM
    I have quite a few milkweed plants growing around my house this year.  In the spring, they smelled wonderful.  And now I have many monarch caterpillars chomping away at the plants.  If things go well, I should be seeing lots of butterflies soon.

  • Audrey Dorofy's avatar
    Audrey Dorofy 9/08/2017 4:01 PM
    I am always thinking I need to declutter.  But I never seem to have the time to actually do it.  This will be good.