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October 11 - October 25, 2017

SIUE Geography Club Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Guisel Marmolejo's avatar
    Guisel Marmolejo 9/27/2017 10:43 AM
    Hello everyone,

    This October, we invite you to take on a personal sustainability challenge, and join thousands of other participants as we prove that small actions add up to real change during the 2017 EcoChallenge.

    EcoChallenge provides the tools and inspiration to turn intention into action, and gives you an easy, fun way to reduce your impact on the planet while contributing to a healthy, vibrant, and sustainable future.

    The idea is simple: EcoChallengers choose their challenge, set their goals and then take action for two weeks. The social support created by participating with thousands of other EcoChallengers, along with friendly competition and earning points for success, help to turn actions into habits over the course of the challenge. 

    The ultimate goal is that EcoChallengers discover that taking action to reduce their impact and improve their communities is simpler than they thought, and sustainable in the long-term.

    We would love for you to join our team as we collectively prove that many small actions adds up to real change during the 2017 EcoChallenge! The EcoChallenge runs from October 11-25, and during the two weeks you’ll connect with other EcoChallengers, earn points for accomplishing your challenge, and watch our impact add up. 

  • Guisel Marmolejo's avatar
    Guisel Marmolejo 9/27/2017 10:41 AM
    I am looking forward to seeing more people join our SIUE Geography Club team and the combined impact we have!