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October 11 - October 25, 2017

HP Nederland Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Tadeusz Minkiewicz's avatar
    Tadeusz Minkiewicz 10/25/2017 11:23 PM
    Eco challenge done and keep on doing it.

  • Manuel Sosa's avatar
    Manuel Sosa 10/24/2017 5:57 AM
    Mostly muscle transport, and although not included in the challenge, I am setting a standing work station, now seated 2h per day only!

  • Tadeusz Minkiewicz's avatar
    Tadeusz Minkiewicz 10/23/2017 11:50 PM
    Today took a small detour and cycled extra 15 mins through the forest on my way to work.

  • Tadeusz Minkiewicz's avatar
    Tadeusz Minkiewicz 10/23/2017 11:49 PM
    3 more days to go and keeping up the good progress.

  • Stefanie Schulze's avatar
    Stefanie Schulze 10/23/2017 7:16 AM
    Could not set the minutes (value) of extra sleep. Managed 3 nights of 7hrs sleep last week, however not been able to set it in the system as desired. Will leave this challenge now.

  • Manuel Sosa's avatar
    Manuel Sosa 10/20/2017 8:35 AM
    I tend to leave my laptop on sleeping mode, now I am powering it down everyday!
    Also I am phasing out CO2-intensive seafood intake.

  • Tadeusz Minkiewicz's avatar
    Tadeusz Minkiewicz 10/20/2017 12:31 AM
    Came in by bike just before the rain. Filled my water bottle and use my mug instead of plastic cups. 

  • Tadeusz Minkiewicz's avatar
    Tadeusz Minkiewicz 10/17/2017 1:20 AM
    Going well. Bicycling every day and saving water.

  • Stefanie Schulze's avatar
    Stefanie Schulze 10/16/2017 4:54 AM
    Additionally to printing double sided, for personal usage, I reduced approx. 50% of personal print out at home by using mobile phone screenshots for notes (e.g. errand list, questions to raise with friends/family).