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October 11 - October 25, 2017

Jane Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Jane Hulbert's avatar
    Jane Hulbert 10/18/2017 6:56 PM
    Today I was walking in New York City and picked up trash to throw away 

  • Jane Hulbert's avatar
    Jane Hulbert 10/16/2017 12:21 PM
    Today I picked up plastic items on my street in my neighborhood and recycled them! I felt very proud of myself and felt like I was helping make an impact 

  • Jane Hulbert's avatar
    Jane Hulbert 10/15/2017 5:17 PM
    I collected everything that was recyclable in my house and put it in the bin outside! 

  • Jane Hulbert's avatar
    Jane Hulbert 10/14/2017 11:29 AM
    Today I collected all my family's bottles and put them in the recycling bin! 

  • Jane Hulbert's avatar
    Jane Hulbert 10/14/2017 11:28 AM
    Today I collected all my family's bottles and put them in the recycling bin!