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October 11 - October 25, 2017
Marin Kelly 1's avatar

Marin Kelly 1

UW-L Remsburg's class crew


  • 0 TODAY
  • 67 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    gallons of water
    have been saved

Marin's actions


5-Minute Showers

I will save up to 20 gallons (75 L) of water each day by taking 5-minute showers.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Marin Kelly 1's avatar
    Marin Kelly 1 10/23/2017 5:03 PM
    So far my challenge is going pretty well. Since I generally take really long showers, for the eco challenge I decided to cut them down to only 5 minutes to save water. It was a bit difficult getting use to at first and I felt very rushed at times; however, now that the challenge is winding down I've gotten pretty good at making it in time. I've found it useful to turn the water off when I'm not using it, like when I'm putting shampoo/conditioner in my hair and washing my body. Then I just turn the water back on to rinse. I also like to see how much water I'm saving on the eco challenge website after I mark days off for It helps motivate me to keep going until the end.